Thursday, September 4, 2008

So how are you doing?

I started this morning, with the same ritual that I always practice, taking a deep breath and then going right back to bed! No I'm not financially independent, nor am I unemployed, and yeah, yeah, I know that the morning is supposed to be the most productive times of the day, and that your body is at it's peak both height wise and energy wise, but honestly I'm tired.

I'm pretty sure a lot of you feel the same way I do. Now, some of you may mask it or fight it better than others, by taking a hot shower, doing some Yoga, (or Wii-Fit for those into fades and crazes...) or maybe even drinking a nice freshly brewed cup of coffee. (or let's be honest, isn't it more like a pot of coffee, by the time you leave the house?) Either way the fact still remains, you're tired, sleepy, groggy, uncoordinated, and sometimes just down right cranky! (You know who you are...) Either way your mornings are rough...

If you're like me then the reasons though various probably fall into the same category, you crammed more into yesterday than your body could possibly handle. 6am wake-up (5am for parents...) groomed, showered, shaved, mostly dressed and out the door by 7am, caught a train, bus, or just some good ole' fashion traffic on the way to work. Get there, get dressed, (I always miss a button or a zipper some where...) check for any major sales on your favorite website. Proceed to talk about whom did what last night, and then try to make it through the day with out damaging anything too bad, or getting blamed for it today. Take a break for lunch, most likely cut short by that one person who always calls you 4 and 1/2 minutes before you walk out the door, asking if you have 5 minutes but really taking 20! You get back to the office, and proceed to run through the rest of your day in reverse hopefully getting some work done in the process. Back to the traffic, bus, or train, back to the house, etc.. you know the drill.

Now a sane person might rest, but if you're like me then you cram a whole extra work day into your time at home, whether it's making dinner, washing dishes/clothes, going to classes, or trying to find things to do to relax. Which ever you choose you're swamped... And so am I, and now you know why I'm going back to bed...

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